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19 Apr
dental caries

The best treatment for dental caries and cavities at Partha Dental

Dental caries and cavities are both caused by acid on the teeth. The acid eats away at the enamel, and this weakens the tooth. The first step in combating dental caries is to stop the acid from harming your teeth in the first place. One of the best ways to do this is to eat a healthy diet and avoid sugary foods. However, if you already have cavities, there are a few ways to treat them. If you have a small cavity, you might be able to treat it with fluoride treatments from your dentist. Fluoride can actually help rebuild some of the lost enamel in your teeth and prevent further damage from being done by acid. If your cavities are more serious, you might need to get fillings or even crowns for your teeth. Fillings go directly into the holes that have been created by acid eating away at the enamel in your teeth. When a filling is put in place, it prevents any further damage from taking place in that area. Crowns are larger than fillings because they sit on top of your tooth and cover a much larger surface area.

Your dentist will be able to help you decide what kind of treatment is right for you and your teeth! Dental caries and cavities are a pain, but there’s a simple solution: fillings! Your dentist will get rid of your cavities and then replace the missing tooth structure with a filling. The most common type of filling is an amalgam filling, which is made of mercury, silver, tin, copper, and sometimes zinc. This type of filling is known for its durability and low cost. But you have options! Composite resins can be color-matched to your teeth for a more natural appearance. You can also get porcelain or gold fillings if you want to go all out!

The process is pretty simple: your dentist will numb your tooth with a local anesthetic and remove the decay. Then they’ll clean up the area and apply the filling. Your filling will be shaped so that it fits perfectly in your tooth and looks natural as well. Once it’s in place, they’ll harden the filling using ultraviolet light or laser light. Once it’s hard, they’ll polish it so that it blends in with your teeth. And you’re good to go! Now you can smile without worry! Dental caries, or cavities, are a common problem for many. They can be painful and difficult to treat, especially when they grow large enough to expose your teeth’s inner layers.

According to the Indian Dental Association, tooth decay is caused by “the action of bacteria in your mouth which turns sugars and starches into acids. These acids eat away at a tooth’s enamel, creating holes in the teeth called cavities.”Symptoms include pain and sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods, visible holes or pits in the teeth, discoloration of the teeth, bad breath, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Dental caries

There are several ways to prevent dental caries:

brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste;

flossing once a day;

avoiding foods high in sugars and starches;

using mouthwash;

seeing your dentist regularly; applying sealants on molars once they’ve erupted.

If you believe you have dental caries, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible so that they can assess the damage and begin treatment. Dental caries, or cavities, is the number one dental problem in children in India. Cavities are caused by tooth decay, which is a gradual process that eventually results in a hole forming on the surface of your tooth. Caries and cavities are often used interchangeably, but caries refers to the disease that causes this damage. So what causes cavities? The main culprit is dental plaque. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that can form on your teeth right after you eat. When you eat foods high in carbohydrates, like bread and candy, the bacteria in plaque produce acids that attack the enamel (outer layer) of your teeth. Over time, this acid causes tooth decay and may eventually lead to a cavity.

The good news? Cavities are preventable! Here’s how:

1. Brush at least twice per day with a toothpaste containing fluoride

2. Floss daily.

3. Eat balanced meals and limit snacks between meals

4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day

5. Visit your dentist for regular checkups every 6 months

The best cure for cavities is preventing them from forming in the first place.

But most of us are too busy to be perfect about our dental hygiene – and that’s okay! Even if you’re an electric toothbrush aficionado, there’s a still chance you’ll have to fill a cavity at some point.

The good news is that cavities are very simple to fix: just ask your dentist to put in a filling! Fillings are made of a variety of materials, including gold, silver amalgam (a combination of copper, tin, and silver), tooth-colored plastic, or ceramic. The most common filling material today is composite resin. Your dentist will use the right material for your particular situation by taking into consideration the size of your cavity, the location of your tooth, and how much force your bite puts on the tooth. Fillings take one visit to complete. During this visit, your dentist will remove any decayed areas in the tooth and then fill it with a material that prevents further decay and restores its shape and function.

Cavities are the pits. But they don’t have to be anymore. If you’re prone to cavities, you know what we’re talking about. You take good care of your teeth, but every time you go in for a checkup, you end up with a few new fillings. If you haven’t gotten cavities before, there’s a chance you’ll start getting them as you get older – because it’s really common for cavities to form when you reach your 30s or 40s.

There are two things that lead to cavities: plaque and acid. Plaque is a sticky substance that forms on our teeth from bacteria and from food particles that stick to the teeth and harden after eating. The bacteria in plaque produce acids that begin breaking down your enamel—and that’s when cavities start forming in your teeth.

But wait! You can fight back against those sneaky little acid-producing bacteria by brushing your teeth regularly with fluoride toothpaste, flossing at least once a day, and avoiding foods that are high in sugar or starch. Get in the habit of drinking plenty of water throughout the day so you can rinse your mouth after meals and keep yourself hydrated while also giving your mouth some protection against harmful bacteria that eat away your teeth!

For any tooth or problem contact Partha Dental immediately.